About Us

About us

As a study abroad consultant, here at BostonPrep.

Welcome to BostonPrep, a study abroad consulting firm! Boston Prep was founded in 2018 with the mission of helping students navigate the complex world of study abroad education. Since then, it has expanded its reach to span across the two Telugu-speaking states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, with four operational branches located in Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Vizag, and Guntur. Boston Prep is committed to providing the highest quality guidance and support to students, helping them achieve their academic and professional goals. With a dedicated team of experienced professionals and a focus on personalized attention, Boston Prep is the ideal partner for students looking to pursue higher education opportunities abroad.
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Golden years we’ve passed!

Study abroad in BostonPrep

Studying abroad can be an incredibly rewarding experience that provides students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in a new culture, gain new perspectives, and develop skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. However, the process of studying abroad can also be complex and challenging, with many different factors to consider.
Over the years, we at BostonPrep, have successfully trained and guided more than 1700 students in courses like GRE, IELTS, SAT, GMAT, and PTE. Our team of experienced trainers and counsellors have worked tirelessly to provide personalized guidance and support to each student, ensuring that they achieve good results. Our experienced trainers have a deep understanding of the exam pattern and marking criteria, enabling them to provide comprehensive guidance to our students.
We use a range of teaching methods, including mock tests, interactive sessions, and one-on-one feedback, to help our students build the skills they need to excel in the exam. Our study materials are designed to be accessible and effective, helping students to prepare for the exam at their own pace. Our services include assisting students in selecting the right program and university based on their academic interests and career goals, helping with the application process, providing guidance on visa and immigration requirements, and supporting students throughout their journey abroad.


Study abroad in Consultant

As a study abroad consultant, here at BostonPrep, we take great pride in our achievements over the last five years. During this time, we have successfully sent over 1200 students to countries such as the USA, UK, Australia, and Canada to pursue their higher education dreams. Our commitment to providing personalized guidance and support to each student has been instrumental in ensuring their success. We have worked tirelessly to build partnerships with leading universities and colleges in these countries, enabling us to offer our students a wide range of options to choose from. We are proud of the role we have played in helping these students achieve their goals, and we look forward to continuing to do so in the future.
Our consultants have extensive experience working with students from diverse backgrounds, and we are committed to providing personalized advice and support to each of our clients. We understand that every student is unique, and we work hard to ensure that our services are tailored to meet each student’s individual needs and preferences.
In addition to our core services, we also offer a range of additional resources and support to help students succeed. From pre-departure orientations to ongoing support while abroad, we are committed to providing a comprehensive and holistic approach to study abroad.
At BostonPrep, we are passionate about the transformative power of studying abroad, and we believe that every student should have the opportunity to experience this life-changing journey. We are committed to providing exceptional service to our clients, and we strive to be a trusted partner and advisor throughout the entire study abroad process.
Want to know more about us? Just Get in touch



We deals with many services to take extra care of your problem solutions.

Business services is a general term that describes work that supports a business but does not produce a tangible commodity. Information technology is important.

Tax Consultancy

This is one of many areas of professional services where our firm is well ahead of the competition.

Audit & assurance

People are only as good as the tools they possess. So, to consistently deliver high-quality auditing services.

Value Added Tax

We are providing and dealing with all sorts of legal and professional services and matters to operate.

Accounting Services

Our professionals provide a range of accounting and assurance services of the highest standards.

Tax Outsourcing

Unlike our competitors we have in house qualified lawyers and accountants who can help you.

Amazing Strategy

Operates an atmosphere that promote creative approach for clients needs.

Don’t misread here we have random & interesting facts.

Starfish can re-grow their arms. In fact, a single arm can regenerate a whole body. Google’s founders were willing to sell & consult.
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Team members
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Winning Awards
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Client’s Feedback
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Completed Works

It’s always a joy to hear that the work we do, has positively reviews.

We have spent 9 years working for one of Australia’s most recognised and successful retailers so we have many good review of works.


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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