Study In Australia


Why Study In Australia

There are numerous other reasons why international students should study in Australia. One of the major attractive factors is Australia’s cost-effective education since over 100,000+ scholarships are available to support education. Other than this there are the following other reasons:
The qualifications offered in Australia are globally recognised and accepted.
Most of the courses offered in Australia encourage students to gain experience while studying, hence, giving students professional experience.
All 38 Australian universities offer internship and full-time job opportunities through their designated job portals.
In Australia, an international student is allowed to work for more than 40 hours a fortnight part-time and during holidays, full-time work is also allowed.
Over 64,000+ jobs are added to attract new workforce every six to seven months in Australia. Thus, there is ample job opportunity for international students.

Cost of Studying in Australia
Studying costs in Australia usually vary with the kind of courses an international student pursues. The cost of studying in Australia varies between AUD 300 a week to AUD 50,000 annually. Following is an approximate cost of studying based on the level of courses pursued in Australia for prospective international and Indian students:
Level of Education in Australia Costs for Indian Students
Undergraduate Bachelor Degree INR 11.07 Lakhs – 24.90 Lakhs
Postgraduate Master’s Degree INR 12.18 Lakhs – 27.68 Lakhs
Doctoral Degree INR 9.96 Lakhs – 23.25 Lakhs
Vocational Education and Training (VET)* INR 2.21 Lakhs – 12.18 Lakhs
English language courses** INR 16,650 (per week)
*VET courses are offered across TAFE institutes in Australia. These institutes are different from Australian universities.
**English courses in Australia are referred to as ELICOS (English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students).
Thus, students must not confuse the cost of studying with the cost of living in Australia. Some universities may or may not include the living costs in studying costs in Australia.
Cost of Living in the Australia
Apart from studying costs, international students have also to take care of their living costs in Australia. These costs vary based on the area of residence, on-campus accommodation and food costs. The cost of accommodation in Australia varies, the following are the estimated costs per month based on the choice of accommodation:
Cost of one bedroom apartment in the City: AUD 1,990
Cost of one-bedroom apartment outside the City: AUD 1,575
Cost of three bedroom apartment in the City: AUD 3,410
Cost of three bedroom apartment outside of the City: AUD 2,410

Australia Student Visa
International students who qualify for admission at Australian universities and receive their CoE or confirmation of enrollment have to apply for a student visa. Applications for student visas for studying in Australia are accepted online. International students are required to apply for a subclass 500 visa in Australia if applying for an undergraduate course and a subclass 485 visa if pursuing a graduate course in Australia.
Subclass 500 Visa:
The cost of a subclass 500 visa in Australia is AUD 650 (INR 36,030 approx.). With this visa, students can stay for up to five years in Australia depending upon their course enrolment.
Subclass 485 Visa:
The cost of a subclass 485 Temporary Graduate visa in Australia is AUD 680 (INR 36,680 approx.). Applicants with this visa can stay between two to four years.
In both cases, applicants are eligible to request a visa extension in Australia if the need may arise.
Student visa requirements for Australia
In order to apply for a student visa in Australia, international students should have a couple of documents ready for submission. There are certain documents required for a student visa application in Australia:
Offer Letter
Confirmation of Enrollment (CoE)
Proof of english Proficiency
Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE)
Proof of Sufficient Funds
Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
Health Requirement
Character Certificate
Admission Requirements to Study in Australian Universities
The admission requirements for international students aiming to apply to Australian universities vary based on their level of course. Commonly both sets of students will have to submit the following documents:
Academic Transcripts.
Statement of purpose (SOP).
Letter of Recommendations (LOR) - two or three
Standardized test scores
English proficiency test scores like TOEFL / IELTS / PTE / Duolingo
Undergraduate Admission Requirements:
If the applicant chooses to apply for undergraduate courses then he/she will have to submit SAT or MCAT / NEET UG scores along with either score and other requisites. They must fulfil the basic admission requirements equivalent to ATAR scores or class 12th scores, depending upon the course of choice.
Postgraduate Admission Requirements:
Whereas, for admission to master’s courses in Australia, international students will be required to submit GRE / GMAT scores or LSAT in case of Law courses. Besides these, applicants might have to appear for an interview and may have to submit additional documents or portfolios.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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