Study In Canada


Why Study In Canada

Some of the benefits of studying in Canada include:
World-class universities: Canadian universities are ranked among the top universities in the world. In the QS World University Rankings 2023, a total of 8 Canadian universities are within the 200 rank. Whereas, in the Times Higher Education (THE) World Universities Rankings 2023, a total of 7 universities are in the 200 rank.
Affordable education: Compared to the US and UK, the tuition fee of Canada is fairly cheaper. If we consider the return on investment, Canada is quite a viable option for Indian students. One can also apply for a range of Canadian scholarships to cut down the educational expenses.
Cultural diversity: There are very welcoming and warm people who come from varied ethnic groups with different cultures and lifestyles. This multi-cultural environment in Canada is one of the noteworthy factors that attract international students as it promotes friendliness and peaceful living like no other country. According to Statistics Canada 2017, in Canada, there are more than 250 ethnic origins along with 200 languages from around the world and 70 indigenous languages spoken.

Lively and vibrant campus life: At Canadian universities, students can expect fests, events, and activities to be conducted throughout the year. This creates a lively and happy environment for all the students as it helps in making a network and meet new people, whilst keeping the homesickness away.

Immigration opportunities: The Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) in Canada shall allow students to stay there and get some work experience after the completion of graduation. The maximum length of a PGWP is three years.


Cost of Studying in Canada
Canada, as a country, offers much more affordable education than other developed countries like the US and UK. The cost of studying in Canada varies as per the course, university, city location, etc. The average of the data available shows that the average cost to pursue an undergraduate program will be CAD 6800 per year. On the other hand, for a master’s degree, the tuition fee can range from CAD 21,100 per year (As per statistics Canada, 2022)
Cost of Living in the Canada
Food, accommodation, clothing and recreational activities, etc are usually covered under the cost of living. On average, since the cost of accommodation, food and local transportation vary from city to city, the average cost of living in Canada will be around CAD 15,000.

Canadian Student Visa
A Canadian study permit is a document issued by the Canadian immigration authorities that further serves as a permission to Indian students to study in Canada. Note that international students cannot study in Canada without getting a valid study permit.
Before applying for a Canadian study permit, check the eligibility requirements. Some of the documents required to apply for Canadian student visa are valid passport, proof of acceptance by a DLI, proof of funds, passport size photographs, English language proficiency score, statement of purpose, etc. A study permit for Canada is of CAD 150.
Admission Requirements to study in Canada
The eligibility requirements to study in Canada will vary from course to course and university to university.
Some of the basic eligibility requirements are given below.
Academic Transcripts.
Standardized test scores - SAT
Standardized test scores - GMAT / GRE / LSAT
English language proficiency test scores: TOEFL / IELTS / PTE / Duolingo / CAEL
Statement of purpose
Letter of Recommendations
Copy of your valid passport
Proof of finances


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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