Study In USA


Why Study In USA

US universities has carved a niche for themselves in the STEM courses. International students looking to pursue higher studies in STEM courses prefer to go to USA over other options. Also, it is not just the STEM courses, students looking to study business, management or arts courses can also find top universities in the US.
Education System in USA
US Education System is categorised into different groups. First, it is the primary school followed by middle school, and then post-secondary education. When it comes to higher education system in USA, there are 4 types of institutions in the USA namely State College or University, Private College of University, Community Colleges, and Technology Institutes.

Cost of Studying in USA
The cost of studying in the US is a concern for international students. The cost of living and the studying cost makes up for total cost of studying in the USA. The average first year cost of studying MS in USA is around Rs 34.12 L including tuition fee and living expenses. Whereas, the first year cost of studying MBA in USA is Rs 38.26 L. The average tuition fee for an MBA course in USA is around Rs 27.77 L.
Cost of Living in the USA
There are two broad components that make up living cost – accommodation and meal expenses. The average accommodation expenses for an year in the USA is around Rs 6.65 L and the average meal expenses for an year in the USA is approx. Rs 3.85 L. As per the College Tuition Inflation Rate Report, published by EducationData, the annual inflation rate for the higher education institutions in the US is 8%. The cost of living for students who are living in city is definitely more in comparison to students living in the suburban part of the US. Students should learn about the cost of living in USA in detail before moving there to plan for finances in a better way.

USA Student Visa
There are different types of US student visas and F1 visa is the most popular one. Students applying for a program that requires more than 18 hours of study in a week require an F1 visa. Those who are planning to take up their bachelor’s as well as master’s in USA require F1 study visa. Apart from this, students going to vocational or technical students require M1 visa.
Student visa requirements for USA
Below we have mentioned some of the student visa requirements for USA.
A valid passport.
A copy of the photo you will use for your visa.
Printed copies of your DS-160 and I-901 SEVIS payment confirmations.
I-20 form.
School transcripts
English language test scores and any other official test scores mentioned on your university application.
Diploma (if applicable)
Bank statements or other proof of finances.
Admission Requirements to study in USA Universities
Admission requirements for a UG and PG program are different for US universities. Below we have mentioned the general admission requirements to study in USA universities.
Academic Transcripts.
Standardized test scores - SAT or ACT
Standardized test scores – GMAT, GRE
English proficiency test scores (TOEFL, IELTS, iTEP, PTE Academic)
Statement of purpose
Letter of Recommendations
Copy of your valid passport
Proof of finances


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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